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"Where there's life, there's hope". These words, famously echoed by Stephen Hawking, have never been more apt than in the situation we currently find ourselves in. The world is going through one of the worst crisis in modern history - healthcare, economic, political, etc., all happening at the same time, and it is difficult to predict when things will get back to normal, if things will ever get back to normal or what the new normal would be. There is an overwhelming amount of information that is being circulated across various media platforms. The substance of the information overload ranges from the educative, to the humorous. However, a significant amount of the information that comes to the mainstream are about negative occurrences around the world. A lot of negativity is being passed around in the form of news and statistics. While it is important to stay informed about what is going on around the world, it is also important to recognise the impact that all ...
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